Remember the other day when I hit y’all up with all that MICHEL FIFFE goodness?



Well, click HERE to refresh your memory…

All caught up? Good.

With all those links to Fiffe’s stuff I totally forgot to post a link to his Tumblr:

Z E G A S!

It’s got a ton of great stuff for your surfing needs…

Like this:

Real Deal drawn by Lawrence Hubbard & written by Herald Porter McElwee


Real Deal was a beloved self-published underground comic around the comic book store I used to work at in the mid-1990’s: each new issue was every employee’s break time reading. It’s charm was its brutal aesthetic, it was hilarious and raw. Today it would probably be a hit cartoon on Adult Swim. Read this loving tribute and history by Vice’s Wilbert L. Cooper.

-Gabby Gamboa

And this:

Anonymous + Awkward = the perfect Masters of the Universe comics

And this:

And even this:

P. Earwig is the artist for this, Mr. Bungle’s debut album art. I couldn’t find a scan online, so I scanned my own cassette (which crops some of the art; I have to dig deeper for the CD booklet).

I used to stare at this thing for hours trying to decipher its coded claustrophobia. I saw hints of the album’s songs and lyrics, so I was determined to find out more. Same thing with the album itself, really.

It’s almost like we’re related or something….weird.

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